| Helping low-income immigrants find legal help

World Relief (Tri-Cities Office)

  • Location:
    2600 N. Columbia Center Blvd
    Suite 206
    Richland, WA 99352
  • Phone:
    (509) 734-5477
  • Fax:
    (509) 734-1378
  • Contact methods:
    Drop-in, Email, Fax, Mail/Letter, Phone calls
  • Appointments accepted:

World Relief is a nonprofit, Christian organization working overseas and in the United States with the most vulnerable populations in need of assistance.

Counties served: Benton, Franklin, Walla Walla

Services Provided

Areas of immigration legal assistance: Adjustment of Status, Naturalization/Citizenship
Types of immigration legal services provided: Help completing forms, Filings with USCIS
Non-legal services: Employment services, Referrals to other services
Languages spoken: Arabic, Burmese, English, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Somali, Spanish
Access to a commercial interpreting service or language bank: No
Nominal fee charged? Yes
Other information: Adjustment of Status services are only for refugees. Naturalization/Citizenship services are for refugees and other immigrants. Walk-in for citizenship inquiry during Citizenship Hour on Mondays 11 a.m. - Noon.
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